Duh Duh Draft Init

Hello out there,

I hope you're all well and if in the south of England, finding time to enjoy the tail end of the summer.

This past year I've been working hard on a long form narrative, a book if you will. I'm now into the third re-draft and I thought I'd share a few of the draft pages with you. I'm currently unsure what the finished thing will look like, I've made these pages as quickly as possible, placing the emphasis on moving the story forward, getting an idea down (pretty much the opposite of the laboured way I usually work). There is still some re-drafting to do before any final aesthetic concerns need to be worried about though.

The working title is '311 Ditchling Road'. In an attempt to build on my previous work, this story is based on events from my childhood however unlike other stories I've made this one is semi fictionalised.

In other news, you can hear me talking with my compadres Sean Duffield and Ben Naylor at the Imperial War Museum over at Alex Fitch's Panel Boaders podcast. You can also listen to a recording of my good friend David Blandy talking about his film 'Child of the Atom' to that great cartoonist Mikkel Sommer. It's all available here: panelborders

Here's me, second from the left, with Ben Naylor, Sean Duffield, Francesca Cassavetti and Eileen Cassavetti listening intently to Alex Fitch.

And finally if you're in the Brighton area on Monday pop by the Black lion pub and hear Gary and Warren Pleece talk about their new work at the Cartoon County meeting, more info here: Cartoon County